
New Year’s resolutions are an interesting idea. On the surface they might seem like a cure all pill. You just set a goal to workout 8 days a week and, even though you never went to the gym last year, suddenly you will turn your life around. Extreme (and impossible)...

What is a pine64? On January 1st of this year I backed the pine64 project on Kickstarter. The short blurb about the pine64 from their page is: PINE A64 is the world's first 64-bit expandable Quad Core 1.2Ghz supercomputer, tablet, media center, and more... starting at just $15. I already...

Decided to reimage my raspberry pi. Since that really means just putting a new image on an sd card it wasn't hard. But I did have make some tweaks in terms of username, keyboard layout, and time zone. I put a description of this below. Networking I went through this...

But that was in October... I did start this project in October, but have had various other projects and things going on so this kept getting pushed back. I had done some analysis awhile ago but never finished and never wrote it up. Well recently I started trying to give...

After re-installing Ubuntu on my laptop for the umteenth time and figuring out I didn't remember any of my configuration settings, I realized it might be helpful to put them all somewhere easy to reference. So I created my config GitHub repository. But for future reference I also decided to...