
After re-installing Ubuntu on my laptop for the umteenth time and figuring out I didn't remember any of my configuration settings, I realized it might be helpful to put them all somewhere easy to reference. So I created my config GitHub repository. But for future reference I also decided to add some comments here to help anyone (including myself) trying to understand what I was thinking.



This is a list of all the programs that I install and a short reason why. Most of these are merely better versions of what already exists out of the box. I try not to rely on too many crazy additions because it makes you too dependent on your setup.

Program Reason
screen For running detached commands
htop Better top
autojump Much better than cd
ipython Better python interpreter with magic commands
python-pip Install python modules from command line
python-dev Install python modules from command line
build-essential For g++
emacs24 Text editor
ack-grep Better grep
zsh Slightly better than Bash
oh-my-zsh Customize zsh
dropbox File sharing
solarized theme Better looking terminal


All of the programs above I install no matter what OS I'm running. If I'm running the Ubuntu Desktop I also do a couple more things. I disable tap to click on the touch pad since I find that when I'm typing it doesn't disable properly. Finally I change the way alt-tab works since I don't like how it cycles through different windows of the same program before other windows.


Finally if I'm using Ubuntu Server (or any other linux server) I install tmux so that I can have multiple terminal windows without multiple ssh connections.

Install Script

I also made a script that will install all of these programs and move the dotfiles to the home folder to make emacs config and zsh config work properly. It will prompt you before installing anything but I would still recommend looking at the script before you run it. To install just run:

git clone
cd config

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Andrew Yale



Andrew J Yale

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