
Lots of people have opinions about goals, and even more people have opinions about new years resolutions. I haven’t made up my mind yet, but so far I’ve discovered they can definitely be hard to maintain. As I sit right now I’m 23 miles behind my running pace (after running...

I was recently running a WhenIsGood to help my frisbee team find times to lift together. Normally with one of these polls you just select one time that works for everyone. This was to be able to provide a weekly calendar to everyone so they could find who was also...

Recently I was trying to quickly parallelize a task in Python and found it not as easy as I would have thought. Therefore I decided to make a decorator that could easily split tasks up and thread them using the concurrent.futures module added in Python 3.2. Let’s say you have...

As part of the my resolutions post from earlier this year I wanted to build a page to view my progress on achieving my resolutions. The blog post counter and book counter were easy to setup but also somewhat manual to change. For the mile counter I wanted something that...

Programmers come in all different types, but there’s at least one thing they all have in common. They are impatient. When you can program the computer do something rather than doing it by hand you spend the time programming the computer to do it. Usually this also means spending more...