
At first I wanted to start from scratch and build the entire theme and layouts for this blog by myself. Then I realized that there are much better designers in the world than myself (like pretty much all of them). So I decided to take the easy way out. I am now using the Mediator Theme for Jekyll. I got it off of Jekyll Themes. I decided that having at least the beginning of a theme would help me learn faster.


I changed some of the Mediator theme already to get it to work for me. All pretty trivial stuff so far.

  • Cover image
  • Logo image
  • Name of blog
  • Footer text
  • Social media links
  • Remove featured posts (commented in case of future use)

That’s a good start but there is still much more to be done. Right now I have a working list but I’m sure that more will change.

  • Minor CSS changes to customize and get familiar with it
  • RSS feed integration
  • About page
  • Photos subsite

But for now I’m excited that the page doesn’t look terrible anymore and that I can be proud to show it off!

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Andrew Yale



Andrew J Yale

A blog about projects in all areas of tech

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